Messages, chats, media and call logs can be deleted at anytime. Such details like this are stored as encrypted packets on members devices. They are never decrypted and kept anywher
Many chat and DLT applications promise ‘hosting across multiple jurisdictions’ so that processes are complicated “if or when” they are faced with a court order to divulge u
By way of example non-arrival may apply, but is not limited to, scenarios where: i) participant in registered contract ordered an item of clothing and following the scheduled time
Singapore Won’t Control ‘Speculative and Dangerous’ NFTs
"... One of the world’s most significant monetary centers will refrain from releasing any policies for the blossoming non-fungible token (NFT) market. Singapore’s main bank sta
Completion requirements, roles, duties, responsibilities, conduct and the like are specified within individually encrypted, autonomously registered contract. Achieving completion m
The contract creation charge is billed once to the purchaser, referred to in the NEST® ecosystem as the Purchasing Member...
On-chain registrations, exchanges, transactions and/or conversion of currencies into a blockchain-based currency formats may require NEST®’s processing of member / user transfer
What is Etherscan, and how does it work?
"Etherscan is the most relied on tool for browsing through all the public information on the Ethereum blockchain and is often called “Ethplorer.” This displayed info consists o
Laundering NFTs + QUICK News
"... Analytics business Chainalysis said it detected wash trading and some cash laundering in the non-fungible tokens (NFTs) asset class. They discovered that 110 successful wash t
Genuine and Artificial NFT Market
"... While the crypto market was still down in double digits from its all-time highs, in January, the non-fungible token (NFT) market increased, even omitting synthetic trades, per